German-English bilingual Secondary School in Melbourne

Finally, we'll have a German-English bilingual Secondary School in Melbourne!

Deutsche Schule Melbourne (DSM)  will start with Year 7 in 2025 and is accepting applications now.

The school’s goal is to offer education through to Year 12 and the Mixed Language International Baccalaureate (Gemischtsprachiges IB - GIB) as a leaving certificate. The GIB is recognised by German-speaking, Australian and international universities and will prepare students for their future as global citizens.

Deutsche Schule Melbourne's pedagogy focuses on students developing deep learning and problem solving strategies rather than rote learning. As with the school’s primary school program, the secondary school curriculum meets the requirements of both the Victorian and German Curricula. English and German literacy continue to be at the heart of the curriculum alongside Mathematics. DSM has a strong focus on teaching Science and Humanities. These fields are broken down into distinct disciplines, such as History, Geography, Civics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry.

For more information, please have a look at or call the friendly DSM team on 03 9489 9364.


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